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Build with Confidence

Serving North Central Ohio Since 1925

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Post Frame Buildings from Attica Lumber

At Attica Lumber, we take pride in our family-oriented approach in building and supplying pole buildings in fifteen counties around Ohio.  For generations, we’ve been dedicated to constructing high-quality post-frame buildings that stand the test of time.  As a family-owned business what got us here is simple:  our people, our materials, and our commitment to quality.

Built on Trust Since 1925

Pole barn garage and home.


Attica Lumber will guide you throughout the entire process, offering assistance with everything from design and site selection to permit acquisition, site preparation, and the actual construction phase.  Our experienced team works closely with you to ensure that your pole barn is built to your plans and completed on time.

Building Design

Your building design is not only about getting the look of the building you want. It is also a way to talk with your project sales consultant about ways to reduce your building cost through strategic design.

Building Location

The building location is key to setting up your property. A good building layout can help make utilizing equipment easier, and create access to vehicles and people more easier.

Building Permit

Every post frame building will need a permit, but not every county’s requirements are the same. Your dedicated salesperson can provide insights on what your jurisdiction might require.

Building Site Prep

The months of March thru November are a good time to prep your site. Give the building pad time to settle and compact after being constructed. This will minimize ruts and provide a solid pad when concrete is poured.

Building Construction
Building Construction

Your dedicated project manager will meet with you on the start date of your building. It is important for you to be on site the morning your crew arrives to help determine where building materials should be placed.

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